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Immersive Experiences that Wow

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Producing the CEO Town Hall

Silicon Valley Video Summit 2025 • 30m

Up Next in Silicon Valley Video Summit 2025

  • Immersive Experiences that Wow

    What can corporate producers learn about creating immersive experiences that captivate and engage the audience. From arenas to headsets, what are the practices and tools being used and what can Enterprise experience creators learn from advancements in art and entertainment?

    Nick Catan...

  • 9:16 – The Art of Vertical Video

    A panel of corporate video producers will share how they are adapting their horizontal vision for vertical viewing. while balancing authenticity with production quality. How are they optimizing their vertical videos on the various platforms for maximum impact and reach?

    Luke Hale, Cru...

  • 16:9 – Masters of Corporate Cinematog...

    New technology and the popularity of a cinematic look have transformed Enterprise video production. What lights, lenses and cameras are video directors and their DPs using to get that look in both their event and studio productions? Who (and what) should we be watching?

    Stephen Berke,...