Video from the Depths and The New Era of Immersive Exploration
Silicon Valley Video Summit 2024
What if you could explore anywhere in the world in real-time from your living room? World-renowned oceanographer and explorer Dr. Robert Ballard believes that day is almost here, and will take you to the seafloor as a start. Famed as the discoverer of the Titanic shipwreck, Ballard has spent his career exploring under the sea and now with the team from Ocean Exploration Trust, equipped with immersive cameras, remotely-operated deep-diving vehicles, telepresence, and seafaring broadcast tools onboard Exploration Vessel Nautilus, exploration has entered a new era. In this world-premiere, live-to-tape Silicon Valley Video Summit SMPTE Keynote, Ballard explains his vision for how video offers new potential for real-time exploration as education and entertainment, while the Ocean Exploration Trust team, takes the stage for a technology “deep dive” on how the ship’s scientific control room and studio connect scientists, students, and everyday explorers to the world of discovery and exploration.
*NOTE: The SMPTE Keynote series at Silicon Valley Video Summit was developed to introduce students to career opportunities in video and broadcast.
Keynote: Dr. Robert Ballard, Ocean Exploration Trust, Founder
Moderator: Pat Griffis, SMPTE, Former President
Allison Fundis, Ocean Exploration Trust, Chief Operating Officer
Ed McNichol, Ocean Exploration Trust, Video Operations Manager (Contract)
Dave Robertson, Ocean Exploration Trust, Senior Video Engineer
Peter Thordarson, Ocean Exploration Trust, Video Engineer; SVV Conference Chair
Keynote Introduction:
Renard T. Jenkins, SMPTE, President; I2A2, President and COO