Dataclay's Arie Stavchansky on Molding Data into Personalized Video
When it comes to sports production more and more of the future is about how a production team can take data, whether it be lineups, statistics, or even tracking data, and visualize it so it has meaning for fans and can help create a better viewing experience.
Dataclay is one of the companies that can make a difference and Arie Stavchansky, the founder and CEO of Dataclay, has found success developing and supporting automation systems that power video production workflows for industry leaders like Warner Brothers Discovery, ESPN, The NFL, Netflix, Amazon, and Apple.
In this edition of the SVG New Sponsor Spotlight Stavchansky will discuss the future of data visualization via automation as well as the suite of products that Dataclay offers which are making a difference for some of the world's largest media and content creation brands.