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NBC Sports: A Deep Dive

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SVG Summit 2022 • 40m

Up Next in SVG Summit 2022

  • NBC Sports: A Deep Dive

    It was a busy year for the team at NBC Sports, beginning with the Super Bowl and Beijing Olympics and continuing through with PGA coverage, Sunday Night Football, and much more. Executives discuss the accomplishments, the challenges, and much more.
    Chip Adams, Consultant
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  • Bringing the World Cup to Life — Maki...

    As they say, “teamwork makes the dream work”, or in this case, turns a vision into a reality. Hear directly from the team of key players at Diversified, Fox, EVS and TAGVS about the development and debut of Fox Sports Jewel Events Broadcast System. The first of its kind, the innovative yet flexib...

  • Major Events Evolutions and A Tribute...

    EVS celebrates the life Greg Blanton, an industry pioneer lost in 2022, and some of the transformative events that he helped design and execute over the years.
    James Stellpflug, EVS, SVP, Customer Success – The Americas