Advancing AVoIP
Silicon Valley Video Summit 2025
Corporate AV professionals, network engineers, and IT specialists, and their technology partners, show their blueprints for the design, implementation, and management of next-gen AV systems. Attendees will be updated on which AVoIP applications are on the rise.
Michael Arlen, Meta, Executive Production Engineer
Patrick Gilligan, Zillow, Principal AV Infrastructure Engineer
Jason Lipton, Visa, Pro AV Architect
Wes Choy, Netflix N-Tech, Global Manager, A/V Builds
Up Next in Silicon Valley Video Summit 2025
Decentralized Production At Scale. Le...
Join Lucas Wilson as he shares ASG’s lessons learned over a year and a half, supporting customers with decentralized production at scale. How do these productions all come together? How do they deliver high-quality content to their global audience? And what’s next in real-world software-defined d...
Opening Doors of Perception: Rethinki...
The future of imaging and displays requires us to rethink display design and rendering architectures. Given that AR/MR are perceptual engines, creatives and engineers now need to design with “Perception” as the central theme of all our imaging architectures. In this SMPTE Keynote, Meta display se...
Seamless SMPTE 2110
Not ready to start from scratch, hire a new team, and go full-blown IP? How can teams deploy ST2110 in their facility without having an army of IT professionals and developers to admin this new virtualized workflows and infrastructures, What standard is the holy grail for democratizing ST2110 for...